By UnionLeague (other events)

Monday, September 14 2015 8:00 AM 4:00 PM EST


Monday September 14, 2015 from 8AM to 4PM.  The Veternas Career Seminar Day will include a continental breakfast and lunch for all veteran participants and immediate family members in attendance. Cost is free. 

Target Audience

Any veteran and immediate family members, particularly those moving into the private sector  workforce or who are making career, vocational or other life changes.  Veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom currently represent a high percentage of the veterans needing assistance but we welcome  ALL veterans from any conflict or military duty or even those active duty members soon to be discharged.

What is Offered

Veterans will be offered 15 seminars and workshops delivered by private sector professionals representing a wide spectrum of Veteran focused industries, non profits and local academia:

  1. Networking
  2. Interviewing Skills
  3. Mock Job Interviews
  4. Job Skills Coaching
  5. Entrepreneurship
  6. Successful Vets
  7. Drexel MySteps Military Service education transition planning 
  8. 1st Steps for transitioning Vet
  9. Vet Employer Strategies
  10. Legal Matters for Vets
  11. Financial Coaching
  12. Military-to-Civilian Moves
  13. Resume Reviews
  14. Military Friendly Schools
  15. Overcoming Obstacles

Representatives from the Union League’s upcoming October 19, 2015 Veterans Job Fair to be held at the Union League will be on hand to help interested veterans prepare for this event which is planned to have up to 50 local veteran friendly employers and institutions with current job openings. Also on hand will be members of the Union League veterans mentoring project (VetMentor) to discuss eligibility. 

DRESS CODE: Business casual: Slacks and collared shirt- no jacket required. 


Dress Code for VETSMART event is BUSINESS CASUAL


Mailing Address

140 South Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19102